Meet Miya

Miya Coleman is a spoken word artist by way of Chicago, IL. Discovering her passion for poetry in 2012 after being encouraged to participate in a middle school slam competition, she continued to develop her talents in private. Making her way to Boston College for her undergraduate degree in fall 2015, Miya wasted no time immersing herself in the Slam community where she quickly gained the respect of senior members on campus. Captivating audiences large and small with her discussion of womanhood, self-love, family, and culture, she is frequently cited as a pillar of the Black student experience.

In the past year alone she has performed for Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley and the Congressional Black Caucus, Harvard University, as well as been crowned champion of the 2021 Roxbury Poetry Festival. With her upcoming chapbook, God is a Black Woman slated for release with Button Poetry in 2023, she is eager to focus on the uniquely human experiences that connect us all despite harrowing realities. Recently completing her Masters in Applied Development and Educational Psychology as a Double Eagle at Boston College, Miya hopes to use her talents to educate and inspire the next generation of creators.

Photography by Yazi Ferrufino (@ya__z) & 9th Planet Productions